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Гражданский процесс, арбитражный процесс


Byku A.V.

Byku Adelina Valentinovna – doctor of legal Sciences, associate Professor, PRIVATE LAW, ACADEMY OF ECONOMIC STUDIES OF MOLDOVA, KISHINEV, REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA

Abstract: in the last time in the literature of speciality finds a clearly practical interest linked to determining the role of the judge in the civil proceedings. This interest results from the necessity to ensure a correct and uniform application by judges of the rules of civil procedure. National judges interpret the rules of procedure, including regarding the role they should play in civil process. Given these arguments, we believe that the role of the judge in the lawsuit reached a turning point and needs to be reconsidered, the principle being exacerbated at the moment, which harms establish the truth in every concrete issue. All these facts are indisputable that a current manifest.

Keywords: judge's active role in the сivil process, adversarial system, inquisitorial system, mediation judicial, powers of the judge examining the case.


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Byku A.V.  THE ACTIVE ROLE OF THE JUDGE IN THE CIVIL PROCEDURE IN THE CONTEXT OF THE MODERN LEGISLATION // Отечественная юриспруденция № 2 (16), 2017 - С. { см. журнал }.

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Юридическая наука

Вы здесь: Главная Ближайший номер Гражданский процесс, арбитражный процесс THE ACTIVE ROLE OF THE JUDGE IN THE CIVIL PROCEDURE IN THE CONTEXT OF THE MODERN LEGISLATION

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